
Sunday, 12 June 2011

Posting after a long absense

Hello everybody, I have not blogged for ages and ages....So long I can't remember, as I have been so busy. However, I aim to remedy this by posting more often.

What have I been up to? Well, I've written my second book which is being considered by an agent/editor who seems quite excited by it so fingers crossed there. Also I have been researching for my next saga, which I love doing - and that's the easy part, the difficult part is knowing when to stop researching. It is almost as addictive as chocolate.

Oh and my daughter has just given birth to my third granddaughter which is lovely. Baby Hollie is adorable and weighed in at 7lb 1oz and she has the sweetest, laid back nature. She is thoroughly adored by the whole family and her older sister Abi can't leave her alone. Dan, her older brother of five years thinks she's a bit boring at the moment because she doesn't show any interest in football.

Hey ho. Speak soon